The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in ChristUddrag

The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in Christ

DAG 19 AF 28

“Secure.” Living the Christian life is a struggle sometimes. You can still get bogged down in sin. You still act like the old you sometimes. Some days you will make poor choices and guilt follows you around for days or weeks. Sometimes your poor choices are made public, even those you consider Christian friends might look at you like, “Are you really saved?” That is not how God looks at you. No one can separate a person from Christ once the relationship has begun. Don’t believe it? Check out today’s reading in the Bible. Catch what it says in verse 38? NOTHING can separate you. There isn’t an action, word, sin, or person who can snatch you from the hand of God once the relationship has begun. You rest in God’s hand because of your decision to trust Him with your life a few weeks ago. You cannot be separated from God! What does this mean? Should you just do whatever you want? No way! You know how that ends up. (Besides you are a new creation, remember the verse you are memorizing, 1 Corinthians 5:17) You don’t want to go back to the chronic guilt and pain and despair of your past. You live in victory! When you sin, ask forgiveness and move forward. You cannot be separated from God’s forgiveness. Take a few minutes and talk to God. Thank Him for your secure salvation. Thank Him for His forgiveness. Ask Him to help you to stay on the right path. If you have not already met with a spiritual mentor this week, print off Mentor Guide Three by following the link in the overview and finding someone from your church that you can do the study with this weekend.
Dag 18Dag 20

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The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in Christ

Now that you are a Christian, you may be asking questions. What just happened? How do I learn more about God? If you will plan to spend at least five or ten minutes a day alone with God reading this short Bible study, you will learn a lot about God and what has just happened in your life.
