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Lead and Love Like Christ

DAG 2 AF 7

Hunger for Wisdom


"Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." -- 2 Peter 3:18a NLT


As Christian competitors and Christ-following leaders, we desire to increase our capacity, grow in humility, strengthen our understanding, sharpen our skills, and impact others. But to grow in each of these areas as a leader takes wisdom. Cultivating a hunger for wisdom by seeking out intentional ways to grow is essential to our leadership journey.

But how can we cultivate the attribute of wisdom? Wisdom is more than just gaining knowledge—though knowledge is a part of wisdom—but it's so much more. Hungering for wisdom takes intentionality, with a posture of humility and the help of others. Gaining wisdom is more than just reading the hot, new leadership book; rather, it's a process.

Hungering for Wisdom is possible. Seek it.

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking" James 1:5. 

God desires to give His people wisdom. He is generous. Wisdom is the intangible ingredient that allows leaders to make good decisions. As James 1:5 shows, wisdom is something we can seek, ask for, and attain.

Hungering for Wisdom takes intentionality. Make a plan.

As a leader in ministry, my day can get swallowed up by meetings, projects, and tasks. If I'm not careful, I can reach the end of the week and realize I haven't done anything for my leadership growth and pursuit of wisdom. I let my calendar and the demands of the day rule my time, energy, and thoughts. Growth and development don't just happen. It takes intentionality. I was challenged to open my calendar and schedule out a two-hour block of time every two weeks. By creating margin in my schedule, I had the opportunity to think about leadership, read the Bible, or talk to a mentor during that time. Soon, I was able to develop a habit of pursuing wisdom and, as a result, my leadership grew by being intentional.

Hungering for Wisdom is a posture. Enlist mentors.

The disciples were students of Jesus. They learned by watching as Jesus modeled how to be a servant leader. He imparted His wisdom and walked alongside His disciples. His disciples were faithful, available and teachable. We, too, have the opportunity to walk alongside others who have gained wisdom through experience. But it takes the same posture of humility to hunger for wisdom. 

Hungering for Wisdom is a gift. Share it.

We also have the opportunity to share our wisdom. Recently, I was asked by a young leader to meet with her once a month to talk about leadership in the workplace. What an honor! Not only do we have the opportunity to enlist mentors in our own lives, but we can also have a posture of availability for others who hunger for wisdom as well. 

Wise leaders remain teachable over a lifetime, as they learn from mistakes and grow through experiences. As we grow in our leadership, hungering for wisdom is possible as God desires to give it to us. But it takes intentionality and others to help us on our journey.


  • What are 1-2 ways you can practice the pursuit of wisdom in your day-to-day activities on your team and in your home?
  • Which posture of faithful, available, and teachable is the easiest for you? Hardest? 
  • Who are 2-3 people you could enlist as mentors?


2 Chronicles 1:10; Psalm 111; Luke 6:40; Proverbs 3:13-14; Proverbs 9:12; Ephesians 1:15-17


“Jesus, true wisdom is found in You. Your Word offers us life-changing wisdom. Grant us the wisdom to know what it is You would have us do to follow and serve You, today and forever. Amen.”

Amy Richards

Amy Richards serves as the Director of Marketing at the Support Center in Kansas City, MO., where she oversees digital and content marketing. She is a former collegiate athlete playing Division 1 soccer at Ohio University. There, she was involved in campus ministry and discipleship. She, her husband, and daughter reside in Kansas City, MO.

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Lead and Love Like Christ

Women’s History Month celebrates the inspiring and impactful contributions women in leadership have made to society. This seven-day plan highlights female leaders of FCA staff, coaches, and volunteers and how, as women, we can encourage our teammates, peers, and communities to compete for and glorify Christ.
