Ecclesiastes: The Adventure of a LifetimeUddrag

Ecclesiastes: The Adventure of a Lifetime

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Be Glad

In the second chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tries all manner of pleasures and achievements to feed his compulsion to understand, to be satisfied. And he concludes they are all vaporous.

Then, after eight chapters, he recommends that we enjoy life. What changed? Nothing. Solomon has simply discovered that a proper perspective brings color to an otherwise colorless world. Faith makes meaningless things meaningful. It invites us into the deeper reality of what is happening in the world. Food is not the idol we would try to make out of it; it is not the source of eternal meaning nor the center of our present existence. But it is a gift, an opportunity for a glimpse of the goodness of God.

We often think that piety and proper perspective are antithetical to joy and satisfaction. That we have to live sad and somber to be “spiritual” (the very reputation Ecclesiastes mistakenly has). Nevertheless, God exhorts us in the opposite direction. This verse says we ought to enjoy life. It’s true that the things the world offers as enjoyment don’t deliver. True joy is not found through chasing particular circumstances or by intoxicating with pleasures or indulging in any conceivable desire. On the other hand, true joy is rooted in a perspective that sees things as they are. Even simple things like eating and drinking are causes for celebration.

It turns out that the “little” things are actually the big things. Adopting a true perspective is what is best for us. It is what unlocks true peace and joy.

God wants what is best for us. He wants what truly brings us the peace and joy we desire. He is not going to approve of our immature and incorrect ways of trying to gain joy and peace. He is going to call us into truth and reality. For that is where the real treasure of joy is to be found. And the biggest joy of all is found in honoring Him.

Let’s pray for a new perspective in life that can see things as they are and that may allow us to enjoy the peace and gladness God has planned for each of us. Let’s tell Him that our whole life belongs to Him and ask that we may delight in Him and in the little things that make life really pleasurable.

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Ecclesiastes: The Adventure of a Lifetime

The Book of Ecclesiastes is about accepting a proper perspective of reality. Only then can we make effective decisions about who we trust and how we live. Yellow Balloons unpacks the message of Ecclesiastes in a five-day devotional. We pray it challenges and encourages you.
