As He Spoke to Me I Was StrengthenedUddrag

As He Spoke to Me I Was Strengthened

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Daniel’s situation is a physical manifestation of what happens to us spiritually in our walk with the Lord—a picture of what is happening in the spiritual realm that we cannot see, although we feel in our hearts and know in our minds. It’s as real as the anger, discontent, and selfish greed of the world around us.

Although, the angel was detained in a spiritual battle, he reassures Daniel his words are heard.

Paul tells us in Ephesians our battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12, ESV).

It is reassuring to know that we are not alone in our battle against the darkness. There are messengers of God battling with us and for us. We battle through our dark and lonely places by knowing and reading God’s inspired word. Meeting God on the pages of scripture is where we hear and feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit.  

And he said, “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” 

Let the repeated phrase  of “greatly loved” combined with strengthened in this chapter sink in a few minutes. 

Yes, the angel is talking to Daniel to reassure him, but God’s word assures us of the same promise. God’s love has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). May our hearts be encouraged! We are knit together in love to reach all the richness of full assurance, understanding, and knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ Jesus (2 Col 2:2).

No amount of preparation can prepare us for a devastating diagnose, except this! 

Courage is facing our fear in the oncoming battle and moving forward anyway. That invisible hand reaching out to hold us upright is the hand of our Lord. I pray He touches you today through the power of His word and renews your courage to face the days ahead with poise and resilience. 

May God continue to hold you and keep you as He faces every crisis with you. 

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As He Spoke to Me I Was Strengthened

This is a three-day plan of encouragement for people diagnosed with a chronic disease. Daniel chapter 10 is a picture of our spiritual renewal in the strengthening power of God's Word. We can trust Him through challenges to our physical health as we obtain a clearer picture of our eternal health.
