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Quiet Times With God

DAG 2 AF 5

God’s Perfect Timing

God has a tremendous plan for each of our lives, and He wants to greatly bless us. However, He may not bless our circumstances beyond the level of our spiritual maturity.

For example, I prayed for years for my ministry to grow. But if God had given me everything I wanted before I was spiritually mature enough, it would have hurt me because I wouldn’t have had the godly character and strength to handle it all. It may sound strange, but now I am so grateful for the hard times when I had to wait on God’s timing, because they’ve helped bring me to where I am today.

When you feel like things aren’t happening the way you want, when you want, I encourage you to trust God’s perfect timing. He knows what you can handle, and He always has your very best interest in mind.

Today’s Thought:

God is preparing you for the plan He has for you.

Prayer Starter:

Father, please help me grow and cooperate with what You’re doing in my life. Thank You for orchestrating the timing of everything You have for me, and for preparing me so I’ll be able to handle each new level of responsibility. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Dag 1Dag 3

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