Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your SuccessUddrag

Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success

DAG 4 AF 6

4. “E” is for Excellence in all you do.

In this reading, we uncover the letter “E” in the word “NICER” for leadership success based on the principles of the Bible.

The concept of “Excellence in all we do” is perhaps the most obvious way to be a Christian at work.  

In chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he explains clearly what God expects of us at work:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving. – Colossians 3:23-24

If there is any topic that your pastor might preach on related to work, it’s probably this one. 

In your leadership role, it’s not just about achieving company goals, but about doing your very best as if you are working for our Lord Jesus Christ himself. The real reward awaits in heaven, and it’s not the bonus or compensation you receive here on earth.

Sometimes, giving your best comes easy. It’s not even about compensation or promotion – you just like leading your team, you’re good at it and you’re making a difference.

But at other times, budgets get cut, staff gets reassigned, management issues directives that you may disagree with, and things become generally more difficult.

Regardless of the circumstances or the responsibilities assigned to you, the instruction in the Bible remains the same – you are called to do your best, as if your leadership is being provided on behalf of Jesus himself. 

Remember, it is God who places you in different roles at different times – each for a reason. Sometimes, it is to shape your character. At other times, it may be to build your faith, develop your talents or gain experience for a future assignment. All of it working together for your good, just as it says in the Bible:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  – Romans 8:28

And, along the lines of Daniel’s attention to detail, so you are also called to do your best in every situation, even when budgets or positions given may be less than you think you deserve: 

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. – Luke 16:10 

Excellence in your leadership isn’t only for top management or high performers – it’s your everyday instruction from God himself. 

The slogan “Do your best and let Jesus do the rest” may be exactly what you need to hear today.

Reflection / Application

  1. On a scale of 0-10, how “excellent” is your leadership effort at work?
  2. Can you see giving glory to God by doing your best at your work? How does that look for you?
  3. If there is anything to improve your excellence in your leadership, what would it be? How will you adopt that?
Dag 3Dag 5

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Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success

Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
