A Life Without FearUddrag

A Life Without Fear

DAG 7 AF 7

Day 7: Breakthrough

Note: This passage is a bit long but needs to be read to get the full story. As you read it, see if you can identify the key verse highlighting Gideon’s breakthrough.

This is it. This is the moment God has been working Gideon toward since He first showed up when Gideon was hiding in the winepress.

When we first met Gideon, he was cowering in fear of the Midianites. He viewed himself as a nobody. A loser. The youngest from the weakest of all the Israelite clans. And his life was driven by fear.

Now we see him leading a band of 300 men taking on an army of so many of the Midianites and their allies that they can’t even be counted. He’s no longer running away in fear, but rather he’s running right into what is a truly dangerous situation… from a human point of view.

What’s the difference? What’s changed?

At the beginning of today’s reading, I asked you to see if you could find the key verse of this passage. The one that shows Gideon’s breakthrough. The one that showed he had moved from a life of fear to a life of faith.

Do you see it?

Verse 15:

When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he bowed down and worshiped. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, “Get up! The Lord has given the Midianite camp into your hands.”

When we first met Gideon, he was arguing with God. Now he is worshipping. At the outset He knew better than God. Now he knows that God knows better. At the start he was angry and full of fear. Now his life is defined by an unstoppable faith.

Worship says it all.

Gideon is finally able to give God the place in his life that God deserves. His Lord. Fully trustworthy. Worth of all praise. Worthy of all trust.

Worship is not some emotional act. It is giving God the place in your life He deserves. Fully and completely recognizing Him for who He is... and bowing in complete submission to Him. Because He alone is worthy. He alone can be fully trusted.

Are you there?

Do you see how God sees you? Sees you for who you are? How He understands your fear, even though it is misplaced? How He is patient with your fear and doubt, especially since He knows your situation might not make sense to you?

Like Gideon, God has a purpose for your life. And that purpose includes living a life without fear.

Bow in worship. Let God know you don’t fully understand, but you do trust Him. Replace your fear today with faith.

If you do, He will give you a life without fear.

For more content and resources from Rick Dunham, head over to dunhamandcompany.com today!

Dag 6

Om denne plan

A Life Without Fear

The most frequently repeated command in Scripture is: Do not be afraid. God’s people are told over and over not to fear. Why? Because if you and I are honest, we have a problem with fear. In this 7-day plan, we explore the story of Gideon and the keys to living a life without fear. Dive in and begin extinguishing the doubts that get in the way of your faith!
