God’s Word Always Applies Uddrag

God’s Word Always Applies

DAG 4 AF 5

Israel, by Grace Alone

by Rev. Ed Fredrich

This verse is part of a discussion about the true Israel that the Apostle Paul was directed to write concerning the Holy Spirit. The believers that Paul originally addressed were divided into people who were the actual descendants of Abraham and those who were not. The actual descendants of Abraham prided themselves on their heritage. 

After all, considering all the people in the world, God had a very personal relationship with Abraham. The Lord also gave Abraham a very special promise: through the offspring of Abraham, all the nations of the world would be blessed.

So that this promise would not be forgotten, the Lord also gave Abraham and his descendants his Word, which assured that Abraham and his descendants were His people. Through the centuries, God also reinforced His promise by sending messengers who proclaimed His Word and will to His people. 

Here in Romans, Paul is addressing a sad truth. Although the actual descendants of Abraham prided themselves on their heritage, they were not following the example of their ancestors. So when God the Father fulfilled His promise and sent the Seed—Jesus—they didn’t recognize or believe in him. But they still prided themselves in being God’s people. 

Has God’s Word failed?

Not at all. God’s Word makes it clear being an actual descendant of Abraham is not a requirement for being among God’s people. These people are the ones who follow the example of Abraham. Jesus said the door to heaven is narrow. Actually, we could say, it is at least as wide as the cross.

This narrow door is the way Jesus opened by his life, death, and resurrection. That door is open to all. Everyone who believes in Jesus as Savior has the “right” ancestry. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Heavenly Father, thank for giving Abraham that promise and making him the “father of believers.” And more personally, thank you for making me one of his descendants. Help me always to rejoice in that heritage and invite others so that they, too, become true Israel. Amen.

Dag 3Dag 5

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God’s Word Always Applies

This 5-day devotion series provides insight into the many ways we can consider God’s Word. The Lutheran Home Association chaplains share devotions focused on different aspects of God’s Word. The devotions give insight to we can follow and understand while reading the Bible.
