Who Is Really Blessed? A 9-Day Devotional from Skye JethaniUddrag

Who Is Really Blessed? A 9-Day Devotional from Skye Jethani

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IS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE only for happy-clappy people? Where are the doubters, the grievers, and the “Where the heck are You, God!” complainers? While a church pastor years ago, I read a popular book at the time advocating for the best way to operate a church. The author insisted that all weekend gatherings be called “Celebrations,” and he said the tone of these gatherings should always be upbeat, energetic, and focused on the victorious Christian life. (It’s difficult to read a book that makes your eyes roll as much as that one did.)

The problem with this nonstop celebration model, apart from being inauthentic, is the way it ignores the example found in the Bible. The book of Psalms, for instance, served as the prayer book and worship liturgy for God’s ancient people. It’s the prayer book Jesus and His disciples would have used in their worship. Psalms includes many songs of celebration, but there are even more prayers of lament, complaint, and even cries for justice. “How long, O Lord?” is a frequent prayer in the psalms, and it shows that the human-divine relationship has many dimensions. Ancient worship, it seems, could be celebratory, angry, mournful, repentant, or contemplative. So why do we think our worship should only be one dimensional? 

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn.” This addresses those who are experiencing grief, but it can also include those who mourn alongside others in their pain. Where do we make space for this legitimate part of the Christian life to find expression in our communities? We must not fall into the delusion that God has called us to a perpetual state of ever-increasing happiness. Jesus reminds us that God is also with us when we mourn, and because this is a broken world mourning is to be expected. But we do not weep as those without hope.

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Om denne plan

Who Is Really Blessed? A 9-Day Devotional from Skye Jethani

When Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, He began by showing what it means to be blessed in the kingdom of God. In this 9-day devotional from Skye Jethani, he looks with fresh eyes and illustrations to understand what it would mean if we took Jesus' words seriously. This plan is based on Skye's new book "What if Jesus Was Serious?"
