Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)Uddrag

Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)

DAG 24 AF 29

It’s easy to look around and see our culture raging against the Christian faith. 

Our ethics are viewed as offensive, and even harmful. Our beliefs are laughed at and mocked. We’re constantly told our views have no place in the public square. 

Yet for all the pressure we might feel, now is not the time to shrink back.  Now is the time to stand by faith and remain obedient to our Saviour. 

This is the time for faith not fear. 

Look at the examples of faith listed throughout Hebrews 11 and you’ll see what living by faith is like. 

Look at what faith achieved in 11:33–34 for those “who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.”

The witnesses of old demonstrate that by faith, we have everything we need to live in the face of pressure and triumph over the world, the flesh, and the devil. 

We have the very promises of God. 

We worship the risen and reigning King. 

The tomb is empty and the throne is occupied. 

Only one kingdom will endure, and it’s that which belongs to King Jesus. 

We know who wins in the end! 

Faith is really about understanding the big picture and God’s grand story. 

Jesus is bringing the entire universe to its intended end and purpose (Hebrews 1:3). What does it look like to trust Him in your circumstance? What will God do in and through you as you live by faith?

Dag 23Dag 25

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Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)

A devotional following Anchor Church Sydney's teaching series through the book of Hebrews. Burn Your White Flags is a way of saying 'no surrender'/'no turning back'! For Christians facing temptation to give up on faith, Hebrews is an encouragement to keep trusting Jesus in the midst of the pressures of the world, knowing Jesus is better than anything the world offers us.
