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Ultimate Favor

DAG 4 AF 7

God’s Favor Follows You

No one ever imagined their hardships could outweigh the comfort they feel from God, yet Peter tells us we’re not to think that such trials are unusual. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed (1 Peter 4:12-13, ESV).

If you’re in the midst of an excruciating season of life, I have a sure word for you. Hold on. The Lord is not finished with you. You may think you’re alone in your predicament, but all along God has been storing up blessings for you of which you’ve never dreamed. As Peter states, God’s glory is going to be revealed through your trial.

In our deepest trials, when everything is turning from bad to worse, it’s hard to imagine anything wonderful ever happening again. There’s such a disparity between what we know about our loving God and the very real circumstances we face. The problem is we can’t see God at work, and yet the Bible tells us that’s exactly what he’s doing when Paul says our minds can’t fathom what God has prepared for us who love him (see 1 Corinthians 2:9). 

A lot of Christians wonder whether God will ever answer their prayers to repair a lifeless marriage, to bring back a prodigal child, to rescue an addicted sibling, to save a lost parent. Sometimes after they pray, things seem to get worse instead of better. As they confront more oncoming trials, their hope in God’s promises falls by the wayside. They tell themselves, “At one time, Jesus worked miracles in my life, but now he seems completely absent. I don’t see any reality of God. Why should I keep believing?” 

I want to tell every struggling Christian, “Hold on. God is actually storing up great blessings for you. The Lord isn’t idle during your trials.” Even when your marriage fails or your sickness seems hopeless, none of these trials means you’re cursed. Because you’re a child of God, his favor and blessings aren’t lifted from you, even though your pain or your problem hasn’t lifted. 

Your heavenly Father has been actively working since your ordeal started, storing up his appointed blessings for you. 

“How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you” (Psalm 31:19, NIV). You may feel like the opposite is happening, that everything you cherish is being drained away. All along, though, God has been working on your behalf.  

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Ultimate Favor

If illness strikes, finances crumble or your marriage falls apart, do you feel as though God has abandoned you? Does it seem as if others attract His blessing, but not you? Are you resigned to thinking that some sin, or even a curse, must be separating you from God's favor? In this 7-day reading plan, Gary Wilkerson paints a brighter, more biblical picture of what God's favor truly is.
