The Great SurrenderUddrag

The Great Surrender

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“God doesn’t want something from us, He simply wants us” 
C.S. Lewis

It’s easy to pretend in front of God sometimes. We often approach Him how we think we should and at times we even complicate how we interact with Him. Prayer can sometimes be treated like a religious ceremony, when God is saying “no need for that, just come.” 

We have the freedom as His children to come to Him boldly but it can be difficult to walk in that freedom. Why is that? Is it the feeling of unworthiness? Uncleanness? Are you struggling with a certain sin? 

Did you know that none of those things disqualify you from drawing near to Him? They QUALIFY you because the Father wants you. You don’t have to be a different you before God, you can be the real you with Him.

In Jeremiah 1:5 NIV, God said to the prophet, “Before I formed in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you as prophet to the nations”

The Lord already knows the naked truth about you. He knows your thoughts, your heart, your intentions and He loves you completely and He has called you for a purpose. 

Hebrews 4:16 NIV says we can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence”. His Grace is sufficient and covers a multitude of sin. Whatever state you are in, He receives you because He loves you. When you come before God, ‘warts and all’, there is a peace you experience in knowing that you do not have to pretend.

A preacher once said, “hiding your depravity is hiding your need”. It’s time to be more honest with God. It is from this place where you can find hope, truly experience freedom and be transformed. Go before Him and cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Reflect and ask yourself, ‘Have I been too ceremonious and impersonal in my prayer life? Am I actually open with God or do I hide?’


Ask the Lord to search your heart and to reveal the areas where you need help.

Ask God for a fresh revelation of His love for you.

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Om denne plan

The Great Surrender

We are called to live a surrendered life! When we surrender our all to God, we give Him the opportunity to transform us and reveal His good and perfect purpose for our lives. This plan will help you understand the importance of surrender.


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