Not Fair, And Yet Uddrag

Not Fair, And Yet

DAG 7 AF 7

Are You Singing Today? 

Paul and Silas are singing at midnight in a Roman prison. 

For the crime of having driven out a spirit from a slave girl, Paul and Silas were severely flogged and imprisoned. This slave girl earned great amounts of money for her masters by her fortune telling. She had been following Paul and Silas, shouting out that they were servants of the Most High God who were telling how to be saved. When this had gone on for days, Paul finally got annoyed and drove the spirit out from the girl. This infuriated her masters and landed Paul and Silas in stocks in this Roman prison. It is in this situation, wounded and exhausted, that they begin to sing and pray. What a place and time to sing!

And yet, as they were singing is when the miracle happened. An earthquake occurs and all the prisoners’ chains were loosened. And this finally leads to the conversion of the jailer and his full family that very night. What an amazing outcome!

What a powerful reminder of the importance of praise. Praise is to be an integral part of our lives. There is no right time or place to praise God. Any time is the right time to praise God. Singing and praising the Lord benefits not just you, but those around you too. Praising God is also often the precursor to experiencing the miracles of God

Today you may not find yourself in a physical prison, but do you feel imprisoned by your circumstances? Maybe you are limited by your education, finances, or health. Or are you facing challenging relationships or people? Do you feel all alone in a maddeningly busy world where no one seems to have time for you? Or do you feel imprisoned by pressures from those around you? 

Whatever may be your situation, would you, like Paul and Silas, choose to sing and pray to God, trusting Him through your challenges?

Lord give me a heart that trusts You and sings through the difficult situations of my life.

Dag 6

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Not Fair, And Yet

Every one of us goes through challenging situations in life. From being ridiculed, persecuted for our faith to the sufferings of political turmoil and unrest for no fault of ours, life sure is tough. And yet, the truth is, how we respond to life and its tough realities, is really a choice we need to make each day.
