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Riding the Merry-go-round

As a kid, I remember during recess they had metal merry-go-rounds that you would stand on and someone would stand on the side and spin you as fast as you could go. The faster the better, until your vision started getting blurred and the desire to lose your lunch was on the forefront of your mind. For some kids, they enjoyed this even when it reached that level of intensity!

Sometimes our lives feel like they are on a merry-go-round, spinning out of control and there is no way to stop and see outside the boundaries of our blurry vision until we manage to slow the pace of the wheel. 

When Jesus and the apostles desired to rest on the boat from ministering to the masses, the passage says that Jesus was “moved with compassion” by the crowds seeking a word from God.  He came out and continued to minister to them. Even exhausted, He knew his calling and His ability to be compassionate is what kept Him “passionate” about his calling. He could have easily said “see you tomorrow, I’m watching something on Netflix tonight then going to sleep”.

Balance is a byproduct of staying compassionate to those around us. Passion is always a result of surrounding yourself with opportunities to help those in need. Even when you’re tired, your heart will yearn to deliver hope to those in need because God so designed us to be compassionate beings. As we do the things God created us for, we see the fruits of God’s will start manifesting in our lives.

It’s hard to relate to Jesus on the boat when we’ve run out of caffeine at home, the line at Starbucks is a mile long and we can’t get to work on time. Life is busy, I get it! What we often mistake to see it’s not about moving mountains in a day. It’s about recognizing our opportunities to witness and help others within our capacity. In return, God is able to move mountains through the hands of men and women just like you and me.

Passion is built upon compassion. When I recognize a deeper need to help those around me, I'll begin to internalize a higher purpose.

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Balance in our lives is something we all desire but often struggle with how to find it. Without balance, we tend to feel a little top heavy or pulled back and forth from side to side throughout our daily routines. Join Pastor Jeff Gwaltney as he takes a look at God’s remedy for bringing balance to our lives.
