The Call Of GodUddrag

The Call Of God

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Our God is a Missionary God

From the beginning, He has called forth His people into the earth to worship, pray, and manifest Christ. The Word of God is clear in His redemptive purpose as to whom we are to love and who is our neighbor. The following commissions were given to call us to share the gospel with all peoples.

The First Commission. God sets in motion the tangible progress of redemption through Abraham as you can read it in Genesis 12.

The Covenant Commission. God called His people to be the “light to the nations” in the midst of darkness (Isaiah 42:6-9).

The Great Commission. God’s presence and authority are always with you as you go (Matthew 28:18-20).

The Greatest Commission. God’s purpose for us is to manifest Christ by loving Him and loving people (Matthew 22:37-39).

The Last Commission. God sends us to our cities, the nation, and the world in the power of His Spirit (Acts 1:8).

God’s mandate for us is to “Go.” Those who choose to obey must be willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary. In Mark, Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). The response of these two men is exactly what God is looking for in us – they left their nets and followed Him. Similarly, James and John left their family and fellow workers to follow the call of God (Mark 1:19-20).

On a different occasion, Jesus told the disciples to follow Him to the “other side” of the Sea of Galilee. So, leaving the multitudes, they boarded the boat and went (Mark 4:35-36). The same principle applies to us. We hear God speak and then we respond. Some leave their vocations, some their families, and others their peers, for a bigger cause: Christ.

The call of God is always to the “other side.” The “other side” is different for all of us. Whether you are called to bring hope to the “other side” of the sea or the “other side” of the city, neighborhood, street, office, gym, or the world, it is up to God. What is important is that you go.

Where is the “other side” for you today? Definitely, God has a place for you; the question is, will you go? It is time to rise up and give up whatever the cost for the sake of those people and the glory of God. 

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Om denne plan

The Call Of God

The child of God wishes to know his Heavenly Father’s will to obey Him and contribute effectively to the extension of His Kingdom on the earth. In this reading plan by pastor William Taylor, we will find the principles on learning how to hear the voice of God, handle fears before a big goal, surrender to His guidance, and fully enjoy the call of God upon our lives.
