Let's Celebrate The True Christmas!Uddrag

Let's Celebrate The True Christmas!

DAG 5 AF 7

Are you ready for Christmas?

This Christmas week, we’re continuing our series of encouragement in light of the magnificent carols that celebrate Jesus’s birth:

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.”
Let every heart prepare Him room!

Just as John the Baptist exhorted God’s people to prepare for Jesus’s coming…

“He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!’” (Mark 1:3)

More and more, this world forgets, unfortunately, the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus is God’s gift to humanity. And through His coming, Jesus offers peace, freedom, and healing. He deserves every place in our lives and our hearts.

Are you ready to experience a miracle in your heart? I invite you to pray this prayer with me: “Dear Lord, please help me focus my attention on Jesus during this Christmas season when it’s so much easier to focus on many other things of lesser value. I need Your help so that my life is a reflection of the true meaning of Christmas! Thank You, Jesus, for coming into my life. Thank You for giving me Your peace, Your hope, Your love, and Your joy. Thank You for showing me the example of a life in which God glorifies Himself in weakness.

Help me to remember that You are Emmanuel, God with us, my greatest treasure...in this Christmas season but also the rest of the year! Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Direct my heart and thoughts to You. Help me to keep my heart open to others, attentive to their needs, and available to show them Your love.

Thank You for never leaving me alone. Thank You for Your presence beside me every day. Thank You for making me Your beloved child, and thank You for being for me, no matter what happens. Thank You for Your favor upon my life.

Father, I love You and worship You. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

Dag 4Dag 6

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Let's Celebrate The True Christmas!

Everywhere, festive lights illuminate the streets, the fragrance of pine and cinnamon fills the air, and for several weeks, Christmas carols have returned to the radio. Each of these carols seems more beautiful than the last, and this week I’d like to (re)discover these lyrics that magnify the person of Jesus, our Savior.
