One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--ADVENTUddrag

One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--ADVENT

DAG 12 AF 30

The Song: Christmas from a Heavenly Perspective 

Great stories always include surprise reversals. 

Luke 2 tells of the Christmas story from earth’s perspective. Philippians 2:5-11 tells the same story but from a heavenly perspective. The ancients sang it as a song: 

“Though Jesus was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights as God” 

God the Son humbled Himself to become approachable majesty. He set aside His right to all of heaven’s joy and said to the Father, “I will go.” The One who always existed, put on skin so we could see the God who cannot be seen (Colossians 1:15). 

“He laid aside His mighty power and glory” 

Fully God in every way, Jesus lived here with us. Like a king who took off his crown and robe, He gave up honor for fellowship. He ate and laughed at our tables (2 Corinthians 8:9). He poured out every glorious thing He deserved—if only to save just one of us. 

Taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men 

Nobody knew Jesus was God by looking at Him. He cried like any baby. He played on the hills around Nazareth. He learned a trade. He grieved when Joseph died. He got hungry and sleepy. 100% human and 100% God. How crazy that God could fit into our frame. (Luke 22:27). 

And He humbled himself even further . . . to die a criminal’s death on a cross. 

Jesus arrived, knowing one day He would pay the ultimate price for those He loved. That’s the gift of Christmas. Who Joseph and Mary protected and nurtured in their home would take the punishment for what separates us all from life in God. 

…At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord . . . 

But once He finished the job He came to do, God raised Jesus from the dead. His blood satisfied the cost of sin and now we can be saved. And the glory, honor, and privilege that Jesus set aside? God gave it all back to Him. (Hebrews 1:3) 

One day soon, the reversal will be complete when every person from all of history will say, “Jesus Christ is Lord.” Say it now, and you’ll have the life in God that Jesus’ died to make possible and you will be saved from deserved judgement. Sing it now to Jesus, your Savior in worship born out of a grateful heart. 

Father, You said that “If I confess Jesus as Lord with my mouth, and believe in my heart God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved.” I believe what You’ve said about Jesus dying in my place to pay for my sin. Please save me. I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior today and will gladly do it forever in heaven. Amen.

Tomorrow: One on one with the ones who cheered

Dag 11Dag 13

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One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--ADVENT

Christmas and Easter—two meaningful seasons help us celebrate Jesus’ birth and resurrection. Now make the days in between special, too, with One on One: 100 Days with Jesus. Walk with Jesus in Advent (30 days), in His Ministry (35 days), in His Passion (35 days). Begin during Advent—finish around Easter. Be inspired every day to know and love Jesus more as He connects with people, one on one.
