Return To MeUddrag

Return To Me

DAG 2 AF 7

Scripture: Galatians 5:13


What does Paul say we have been called to? He tells us that we are called to freedom, not to bondage or legalism. He is simply passing on what Jesus told his followers: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Just before that, Jesus had made it clear that a lifestyle of being in his Word would result in our being truly free (verses 31-32).

If you haven’t been set free by Jesus, then you aren’t truly free. The great news is that if Jesus has set you free, you are free indeed. Jesus came for us captives to set us free. 

One of the keys to understanding today’s verse, Galatians 5:13, is seeing the warning about using the gift of freedom inappropriately. Paul immediately follows that warning with an opportunity to make a real difference: use our freedom to serve others lovingly. Once again, it’s Jesus who gives a vivid description of serving through love: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). 


In our relationships, we usually aren’t willing to lay down even our rights for our friends, let alone lay down our lives. The greatest love I can show to others is to lay down my life for them. Jesus did this both for his friends and for his enemies. Please don’t hear me incorrectly: I’m not saying you have to be a doormat in your relationships. You can be filled with humility and mercy and still achieve justice. 

Think about how you can bring freedom to others by laying down your life in your relationships. What could you do today to live in freedom and bring freedom to others? Look for opportunities to proclaim the good news of the Gospel to people in your life. Remind yourself that what Jesus has done is big enough for any need. 


Lord, help me to live today in your Word and be free. I want to serve others in love, even sacrificially. Help me to be willing to serve even my opponent with love…. Continue praying.  

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Return To Me

God is gracious. We can return to Him. When we experience conflict, tension, and relational struggles; run to God. For 7 Days this devotional will encourage you to find your way back to God. I know conflict is tough, but I would simply encourage you to walk with God and allow Him to walk with you.
