The Impact Of ScriptureUddrag

The Impact Of Scripture

DAG 3 AF 15

Scripture is alive.

No matter how many times you read the same verse, the same passage, or even through the whole Bible, you’ll experience the revelation of new truths and insights you’ve never seen there before. God uses His written Word to speak directly to us today. When you begin your time of reading and study with an invitation from God to speak to you, it can become so personalized to your situation, circumstances, and emotions, that it feels like it’s cutting down deep into your very soul. Just like the happiness you may experience when you get a personal, hand-written note from a dear friend, imagine God writing each page as a love letter to His children.

What do you need to hear from God? How do you need direction from Him? What hurt, sin, fear, shame, or guilt might be hiding deep in your soul that His Word can reveal and heal? As you read meditate on today’s verse, spend some time asking God to pierce your soul and allow the power of His Word to speak to you clearly.

Talk to God: Oh God, sometimes I try so hard to protect my heart from anyone seeing into my innermost thoughts and desires, but I willingly open my heart up to Your Word. Speak into my life. Reveal anything in me that offends You. I invite You to speak to me in fresh ways every time I read Your Word. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
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Om denne plan

The Impact Of Scripture

What does the Bible have to say about the Bible? What does an ancient book have to say to modern people? This Life.Church Bible Plan explores the role Scripture can play in our everyday lives with Bible readings that highlight how God’s Word is still His Word to us today.
