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The CODE UnlockedSampl

The CODE Unlocked

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The CODE is CVM's (Christian Vision for Men's) 12-point code of honour for Christian men to live by and fight for. It will allow us to be shaped by our brother, captain, rescuer and friend. The CODE isn't some new theology, or a substitute for the Bible, the CODE is simply the 'tip of the spear', the catalyst for driving men deeper into God and His word. 

The Code was written by CVM's President, Carl Beech and over the last few years CVM has seen thousands of men living by the CODE growing into a movement. A movement of men forged by the gospel and Jesus' radical act of grace. Together we are taking ground and seeing thousands of men introduced to Jesus each year, men standing together armed with the CODE. Are you in? 

You can find out more about CVM and the CODE at cvm.org.uk or download a 12-month study guide for men here: codelife.org/#biblestudies 

  1. Jesus is my Captain, Brother, Rescuer and Friend
  2. I owe everything to Him. I will do anything for Him.
  3. I will unashamedly make Him known through my actions and words.
  4. I will not cheat in anything, personal or professional.
  5. I will look away from the gutter, but be prepared to pull people out of it.
  6. I will keep my body fit and free from any addictions.
  7. I will put the welfare of those closest to me before my own welfare.
  8. I will treat all men and women as brothers and sisters.
  9. I will lead as He would lead. I will honour my leaders provided this also honours Him. I will follow Him in company with my sisters and brothers.
  10. I will use my strength to protect the weak and stand against the abuse of power.
  11. I will protect the world that God has made.
  12. If I fail I will not give up. He never gives up on me.



Jesus is my Captain, Brother, Rescuer and Friend

BIBLE READING: Matthew 4:18-22

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will send you out to fish for people.' At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. 


Let's be honest here, you're busy at work fishing, it might not be the office job you dreamed about but you're providing for your family, it's your job and you work hard at it. Jesus is out walking and His route takes Him past the shore where you're mending your net and He says to you, "c'mon fellas, stick with me and your lives are going to change, I will send you out to be fishers of men!"

Would you have left your job, your nets, and your livelihood at that call? Perhaps a conversation about a part time job with Jesus, weekends to start with so you can still fish. 

The invite Jesus gives is to firstly come and follow Him, and this means you need to be ready to count the cost and step out. Not part time or on your terms but willing to surrender to the call and count the cost of what this will mean for you!

For these men the way was uncharted; trials and struggles, victories, defeats and even death awaited them, but the Captain had called them to something that was bigger than themselves. Are you up for this? We are talking about an authentic Christian faith that will impact your time, wallet, resources, energy, heart, mind and strength. It will challenge your generosity, your grace and forgiveness, your compassion and worship.

Ernest Shackleton is said to have placed an advert for one of his Antarctic explorations, it read like this: 

'Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honour and recognition in case of success.'

Do you sense some of the risk, the thrill, the challenge to live a life that will take you beyond the sofa? A life that will take you into a world where a name is honoured, following a Captain calling you to live His way, to follow Him wherever He goes? 

Jesus is that Captain, He sends out the invitation to know Him, to be brothers, family, and to share in the work of the Father, are you ready to respond?


  • What does it mean to you to make Jesus the Captain in your life? 
  • Are you living a life of adventure, challenge and purpose? If you are, what does that look like? Or do you crave that? Are you tired of the Christian veneer and malaise that has blunted wild kingdom courage and adventure? 
  • Jesus' call to Simon-Peter and Andrew required more than just words in response, they had to follow and man did it cost these fellas! What things in your life are holding you back from following Jesus? 
  • What might be the cost for you to follow Jesus in both your words and your actions? 


Jesus, we are drawing a line in the sand, a marker today that comes not from our strength and fight but our surrender to discover yours. We yield as men today to your Holy Spirit, to work to your purpose and plan in our lives and ask that you equip us for the call we have heard. We accept it, we want it and we will be the forgiven sons you have called us to be. Amen

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The CODE Unlocked

The CODE is CVM’s (Christian Vision for Men’s) 12-point code of honour for Christian men to live by and fight for. It will allow us to be shaped by our brother, captain, rescuer and friend. The CODE isn’t some new theology, or a substitute for the Bible, the CODE is simply the 'tip of the spear', the catalyst for driving men deeper into God and His word.
