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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace MinistrySampl

Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace Ministry

DYDD 12 O 31

SET ME FREE FROM COMPULSIONS: EATING There may be people who really like being obese, but I've never met one yet. Obesity is uncomfortable, unhealthy, and unpopular. So then why do so many people eat far more than their bodies need? How about you? Do you carry too much extra weight? Be honest. Sometimes you eat to prolong the pleasure of favorite foods. Sometimes you eat when you are anxious or stressed, and that greasy fried chicken just improves your entire worldview. If two cookies make you feel a little better about life, maybe eating the whole package will make you feel a lot better. Maybe you inherited a genetic disposition, and everything seems to stick to your hips. Maybe you're too lazy or disorganized to shop for healthy food and simply garbage up on whatever is lying around. Regardless, overeating is a disturbing sign of the lack of personal self-control, and we need to stay vigilant. "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags" (Proverbs 23:20,21). Overeating can also leave you with hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Do you need to be a weight watcher?
Diwrnod 11Diwrnod 13

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Set Me Free: Devotions From Time of Grace Ministry

God's Word has answers to the things that trouble us and helps liberate us from the entanglements and burdens that make our lives hard. This 31 day reading plan will help you access, appreciate, and use the power and wis...


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