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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Signs of GlorySampl

Signs of Glory

DYDD 5 O 8

Walking on Water

Jesus was in the mountains praying when His disciples set off across the Sea of Galilee in their boat. While they were rowing, a strong wind started blowing, the water turned rough, and the disciples became frightened. Jesus came to them, but not by boat. He walked across the water, startling them even more. Jesus calmed their fears by saying, “It is I,” and revealing His true identity as the Son of God.

Jesus used the words “I Am” (or “It is I”) when speaking in the style of the deity and unveiling for man something that is otherwise not known. The disciples learned from this sign miracle that Jesus had power over natural laws and would never forsake them, even in a storm.

He won't forsake you in your storms either.

Diwrnod 4Diwrnod 6

Am y Cynllun hwn

Signs of Glory

Water into wine. Feeding the multitudes. Walking on water. Jesus did some incredible things throughout His ministry! Let’s discover the eight sign miracles in John's gospel and see what they reveal to us about Jesus.

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