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7 Days of Prayer Walk in My HouseSampl

7 Days of Prayer Walk in My House

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The march of the spiritual battle

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against dominions, against authorities, against the rulers of this dark world, against evil spirits in the heavenly places. This is why, take all the weapons of God, in order to be able to resist in the evil day, and to hold firm after having overcome everything”.

We are in a spiritual battle that takes place in the invisible world on a daily basis around our souls.

The enemy, the Prince of darkness and his fallen angels seek by all means to destroy, steal and slaughter. The Lord asks us to be these sentinels who watch over our homes, over our children through prayer and intercession.

I encourage you to walk around your children's room and pray for each one in particular. Ask for God's protection over their lives, that they always remain attached to the Lord, that the enemy has no access to their hearts, and that they would be spiritually strong. Fight the good fight of faith for the salvation of your children. Pray in the Spirit. Some of them may be going through difficult times, times of temptation, times of spiritual warfare. Satan wants to destroy our children and young people, defile them, discourage them and cool them spiritually.

Don't let him do it !

God has given us "power to tread on scorpions and over all the might of the enemy. And Nothing can harm us”. Luke 10:19

Pray that each of your children will be a disciple of Jesus Christ and that their lives will make a difference in this world.

Pray that every weapon forged against you, your husband, your children, your home will be destroyed and of no effect in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus.

Take the offensive weapons of faith, proclaim the Word of God and the protection of God over your house.

1 John 4: 4 "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world."

Pray that no evil influence can take hold in your home. May no evil domination take hold over your family through modern technology (tv, video games, phones and smartphones, etc.).

Let’s pray,

"By the Name of Jesus and the power given to me, I take authority over any evil power that seeks to influence and oppress my family. Satan, I order you in Jesus Name to leave my house, to let go of your hold on my children. I drive you out and I resist you and with great joy I, and all my house, we submit to God. Thank you Lord Jesus for the Victory you give us over evil. Amen "

Take Authority as you do this prayer walk today in your home.

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7 Days of Prayer Walk in My House

We read in Joshua 6 how the people of Israel conquered Jericho after walking around the city for seven days. On the 7th day, to the sound of trumpets and praise, the city walls collapsed. This week I offer you a very powerful and very practical faith action. It consists of doing a "Prayer Walk" in your home in order to bring down the walls of adversity by means of Prayer and faith. It is about saturating every room of your house with praise and imbuing the ambiance of your home with faith, joy, and victory.
