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A Biblical Approach to Parenting Your AthleteSampl

A Biblical Approach to Parenting Your Athlete

DYDD 11 O 12

## Who Makes the Call? (Deciding When and What to Play)


> “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.”—James 1:5

SET: Lord, help me make the right decision for my child.

When legendary basketball star, Pistol Pete Maravich, was growing up in the 1960s, he would beg his college basketball coach father to let him join a youth basketball league. Pistol Pete’s dad delayed allowing his son to play organized basketball until Pete pleaded with his dad for years to let him play. The rest is history for one of the most remarkable basketball careers ever played. I’m not advocating making your children beg, but I somewhat followed this plan when my two boys wanted to start playing organized tackle football. Delaying their participation seemed to work for our family, and the boys thrived in their football experiences after waiting to start a couple of years.

Helping your child decide when and what to play is an important parental moment. Remember, every child has their own internal “time clock” regarding their readiness for sports. Not everyone is created to play organized sports.

Sports help develop qualities like competition, perseverance, and courage—all virtues most parents want to see exhibited by their children. Sports are one of the best places for your child to learn great life lessons.

Who decides when it’s the right time? Ideally, both parents and child agree. The first step in a healthy youth sports experience is unity among the family. There are so many great introductory sports options for your child. Obviously, the more physical contact required by the sport, the more mature the child should be before starting sports like tackle football, wrestling, and ice hockey, just to name a few. Some parents will need to help their athlete children decide when they need to “step up” their game by moving to a more competitive environment. Some thrive with increased competition, whereas some may never recover from being rushed into more competitive sports before they are ready.

In everything we do, enter with prayer and supplication. If you commit this decision to God, I’m confident that He will guide you. Pray before considering the Bible verses provided.

WORKOUT: Bible Discussion

Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 15:22

Isaiah 30:21

1 Peter 5:7


1\. How do these Bible verses help you make parenting decisions? Give the specific verse/verses.

2\. How does 1 Peter 5:7 bring comfort to you when making big decisions concerning your children?

3\. What is the main takeaway you get from these Scriptures?

OVERTIME: Practice Sessions

1\. Talk with your spouse or trusted friend about any unhealthy fears you bring to this decision derived from your own childhood sports experience. Be careful not to let your children inherit your unhealthy fears about playing sports.

Who Makes the Call? Testimonial
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A Biblical Approach to Parenting Your Athlete

Have you ever argued with your child or spouse after a game? Have you ever wanted to confront your child’s coach? Have youth sports completely seized your family life? If you’ve had similar experiences, then this 12-day plan is for you.
