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Year of the Bible: Part Eight of TwelveSampl

Year of the Bible: Part Eight of Twelve

DYDD 28 O 30

The Exodus of Baptism

Stories in the Old Testament about passing through water have symbolic importance for us today. God led His people through the waters of the Red Sea after 400 years of slavery; on one side of the sea, Pharoah had been their master, but on the other side, Moses was their leader. Similarly, when the nation passed through the Jordan River into Canaan, they transitioned from the leadership of Moses to Joshua. Moses led the exodus from captivity in Egypt; Joshua led the exodus from wandering in the wilderness and into a new land of promise.

When a follower of Jesus is baptized, they acknowledge that they will no longer be led by the devil, the pleasures of the world, or selfish desires, but that they have a new leader: Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Son of the Living God. Baptism is the exodus from an old life to a new one.

Jesus, who knew no sin, submitted Himself to walk through the waters of baptism as an incredible act of humility; in doing this, He identified not only with humanity in a general sense but with you and me personally. He bore every separation from God so we can walk in fellowship with the Lord and experience a personal exodus from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Jesus.

The words Jesus heard that day, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” is also a declaration of the Father’s heart for you. You are God’s beloved child, and because of your faith, He is well pleased to put His life and breath in you!

Question: If you have not yet trusted Jesus to be your leader, would you consider doing that today?

Prayer: Take a moment to thank the Lord for this beautiful picture of your exodus and reaffirm your commitment to give Jesus Christ complete authority to lead you.


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Am y Cynllun hwn

Year of the Bible: Part Eight of Twelve

This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. This month, we'll explore Biblical texts from Daniel all the way to the Gospels! Let's dive into Part eight of twelve!
