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Hope for Those Struggling With Thoughts of Suicide and DepressionSampl

Hope for Those Struggling With Thoughts of Suicide and Depression

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All Things New

Have you ever been stuck? Have you ever hit a place in life that seemed like a dead end...like you no longer had any options? You may feel that way right now.

I’ve been there many times, and I’m sure most people have. But I am so grateful that over the years God has taught me that even if we get stuck, there is no situation too difficult for Him to handle!

Look with me at the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. The Bible says he was the favorite of his father’s 12 sons, and his brothers were very jealous of him because of it.

One day Joseph shared with his brothers a dream he had. In his dream, they were all bowing down to him. Needless to say, it didn’t go over well!

As a result, the brothers got together to decide how to get rid of Joseph. First, they threw him into a pit to leave him there to die. But later they decided to sell him into slavery to a band of traveling Ishmaelite merchants. They then devised a plan to convince their father of Joseph’s death.

As you may know, this story ends triumphantly. Joseph becomes second in command to Pharaoh, is eventually reunited with his family, and all is forgiven.

What happened to Joseph is proof that no matter what you go through in life, there is always hope. No matter what “pit” you find yourself in, all things are possible with God!

Each Day Is a Brand-New Start

Over the years, I’ve learned an important lesson—life doesn’t always go as planned! And it can be disappointing when things don’t go the way we hoped.

There was a time when I would let today’s disappointments and difficulties ruin tomorrow. I would blow up at my husband, Dave, and say things I regretted, then spend four days feeling guilty and condemned because of my behavior. Or there have been times when I have missed opportunities and was sure I messed up God’s plan for my future.

Little by little, God helped me to change my attitude. Instead of focusing on what has been lost or how I feel in the moment, God helped me to focus on the good things He can do in the future.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) says, The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning….

It’s no coincidence that our time is divided into 24-hour increments. God gives us new opportunities each and every morning to start fresh. It’s a chance to begin again—to try again, hope again and watch Him do something we never expected.

You see, God is a God of restoration and change—He is always doing a new thing and working behind the scenes in our lives to bring about new beginnings. Where we see failure, God sees potential for something new.

The minute we stumble and come apart, God is already planning our comeback. When we mess up “Plan A,” we don’t have to worry—God has a “Plan B”!

Maybe Plan A for you represents a missed opportunity, a painful past or a relationship that didn’t work out. Maybe you’re tired of hurting and can’t see how things could ever change. Plan A was supposed to mean enjoying your life, but instead you feel overwhelmed and stuck in your current condition.

If so, I want to remind you again of this scripture. Jeremiah 29:11(NIV) says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Regardless of how you feel today or what happened yesterday, last week or last year, God has a great plan for your life—a plan for you to succeed and experience the peace and joy that Jesus died to give you.

Right now, you may be in a place where you can’t see a way out of your situation—you can’t imagine anything ever getting better. However, God can, and He’s already working behind the scenes to help you. He has already been working on your Plan B!

In fact, I’ve discovered that God’s Plan B is often better than Plan A could have ever been. Even when someone else or an unforeseen circumstance affects our lives, God promises to take the negative things that happen and use it for our good (see Romans 8:28).

God Is Planning Your Comeback

As a young adult, I was convinced that being abused as a child had marred me for good. I felt like I could never be like everyone else or have the life I could have had.

But all things are possible with God! When we see dead ends, He sees new beginnings. He wants to take our pain and not only heal it, but He wants to restore to us more than we would have had in the first place.

When we’re suffering from depression or struggling with thoughts of suicide, it’s so tempting to give in and think, It’s over. It’s too late. But it isn’t too late! It’s never too late to have a fresh start when you have life in Christ. Tomorrow is a new day, and it’s a new opportunity to see what good thing God will do in your life—in your mind, emotions and circumstances.

I encourage you to look at each day as a chance to start again. When you wake up, declare things like, “This is the day the Lord has made—I will rejoice and be glad in it!” (See Psalm 118:24.)

God is the God of do-overs, second chances and new beginnings. Even when you can’t see a way out, He is already working on your behalf, planning your comeback. And if you’ll let Him, He will give you a fresh start, and it will be better than you can imagine.

Pray: “Father, I know You are working behind the scenes even when I can’t see it. So, please strengthen me today—mentally, emotionally and spiritually—and help me to stay focused on You, knowing You are always with me. It’s only because of You that I can say, ‘This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!’ In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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Hope for Those Struggling With Thoughts of Suicide and Depression

Are you going through a difficult time right now? If so, God loves you, He sees what you’re going through, and He desires to help you right where you are. In this 5-day study, Joyce shares Biblical principles to help you combat feelings of depression and thoughts of suicide…and allow God to breathe new hope and life into your situation.
