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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

You Can Be Brave: Trusting God in the UnknownSampl

You Can Be Brave: Trusting God in the Unknown

DYDD 4 O 6

Trust in Your Wisdom and Not in Myself

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5, ESV).

Let’s pray together:

Father, You tell me You will give me wisdom if I ask for it, and I need Your wisdom now. I need You to guide me, for You know the way I should go. I can trust You, for You are good. Your goodness never changes. And with this wisdom, I can act. I can step out and take risks, even though these risks are uncomfortable for me. For I want to trust in Your wisdom and not in myself. I want Your love to direct my choices, for me to never forget who You are and how You love me and how You are for me, never leaving me or forsaking me or condemning me.

In Your name, Jesus, amen.


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