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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Getting to Know the ProphetsSampl

Getting to Know the Prophets

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Amos takes place during days marked by outward prosperity and great success in Israel, circa 767–743 BC. Though flourishing as a nation, from a spiritual standpoint, Israel was in terrible shape. Saturated in the devastating truth of their sin, this minor prophet addressed the relationship between God's justice and His mercy. Amos 5:15 encapsulates His message well, "Hate evil and love good.…"

Amos was a shepherd who lived in the Southern Kingdom of Judah when God called him to give a message in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. It is there where he explicitly called out the sins of Israel and its’ surrounding nations, specifically focusing on Israel's neglect and exploitation of the poor and their religious hypocrisy among the people.

Because God is good, he had to confront the evil among Israel. God is also merciful, which we saw as God sent Amos to warn and plead with the people of Israel to embrace true worship of God, which always leads to justice, righteousness, and good works.

  1. Do you feel a conviction to care for and support those who are suffering or marginalized around you?
  2. If so, how does this conviction manifest itself in your life? If not, where do you see suffering in this world, and how can you take active steps to address it?

Prayer: God, reveal to me those who are suffering and instruct me on how to best care for them.

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