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Images of LeadershipSampl

Images of Leadership

DYDD 1 O 4

Shepherd Leadership

John 10:11

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

The key concept of the shepherd image is care of the flock. The shepherd’s purpose and goal is the well-being of his sheep. All of his activities are aimed at the growth, safety, and health of the sheep under his care. The focus is on the sheep and not on the shepherd. We bask in the security of Psalm 23 and the joy of having the Almighty as our personal shepherd. We have experienced the love of the good shepherd as he has nurtured us, healed us, filled us with purpose, and carried us in his arms. We have received the personal sacrificial shepherding of our Lord. We merely imitate him as we attempt to be shepherd leaders to those he has placed within our care. The godly leader is entrusted with the care of those who belong to the chief shepherd, and the way we lead should reflect the care, personal sacrifice, and love God has for his people.

As leaders in God’s kingdom, we should ask ourselves how well we are doing in binding up the wounded, seeking the lost, strengthening the weak, feeding the flock, and protecting our people from harm. Those we lead should be influenced by us to develop their abilities, grow deeper in their faith, and increasingly fulfil their purpose in life. They should feel safe under our leadership, knowing they are secure in their freedom to serve, grow, and flourish under our guidance and care. There should be no doubt that they are loved by their leader.

Reflection Questions

If those I lead were one day lost or in peril, would they be confident that I, as their shepherd, would search for them until they are found and safe? Do they know they are loved by me as their leader? Ask God to continue to grow the heart of a loving shepherd in you.

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Images of Leadership

What should leadership look like in God's Kingdom? An intriguing cluster of rich images in the Bible conveys God’s answer to these questions. Meditating on these complex pictures reveals with amazingly simple clarity how to lead in a way that pleases God.
