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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Walk Through The Bible 365 - AugustSampl

Walk Through The Bible 365 - August

DYDD 4 O 31

Grow Up!

A baby drinking milk from a bottle is natural, but if a grown adult is still drinking milk from a bottle for his food, there is something wrong with the adult. And spiritually, this was the problem that the letter to the Hebrews identifies that the Christians the letter is addressed to were still on spiritual milk and not on solid food, this even though by then, they should have matured to solid food. And what is the criteria for moving to spiritual solid food? The ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil. Inability to do this means accepting the wrong as right and living a compromised life. What about us? Are we ready for solid food or are we still on milk?

Prayer: Lord God, please give me the spiritual insight to understand your word clearly and know and accept your standards of right and wrong and of good and evil. Help me grow in discernment of good and evil and therefore in spiritual maturity. And let me keep away from evil and be obedient to the good. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Am y Cynllun hwn

Walk Through The Bible 365 - August

How do we feed ourselves with the Word of God? By reading through the Bible. But how do we grasp all the Bible has to offer in an easy and enjoyable way? This reading plan spans one year with daily bite-sized chunks o...


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