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DYDD 4 O 28

Jealousy and Insecurity

Sometimes we fail, while those around us are succeeding. Cain found himself in second place with his younger brother Abel. Being the firstborn son, he likely expected to receive respect simply by his birth order. However, God looked with favor on his younger brother's offering. The Bible doesn't clearly say why God disapproved of Cain's offering. Abel likely gave a thoughtful and generous offering, while Cain gave his without much heart and intentionality.

Vs. 5 tells us that "Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast."

Cain's heart brewed with anger. Jealousy fed his feelings of insecurity. Rather than humbly responding to God's correction, Cain gave himself over to that jealousy, which led to the first act of murder. 

Daily Challenge: Have you ever allowed the success of others to cause you to feel insecure? Rather than allowing jealousy to take root, choose to take the higher road. Celebrate the success of others, and decide to work on yourself rather than compare yourself to others. 


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Insecure: This four-week study examines the lives of four Biblical characters and the challenges they faced as they worked through their insecurities. (Cain, Moses, Saul, and Peter) Their life stories will lead you to be...


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