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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

You Are God's Delight: Do You Believe It?Sampl

You Are God's Delight: Do You Believe It?

DYDD 3 O 6

In Everything He Invites Us to Do With Him

We hear that God gives us favor and guides us to complete the tasks He has set before us. In everything He invites us to do with Him—each job, each challenge—He grants us His loving guidance and help. Do you believe this?

What challenge do you have before you now? How is He guiding you? Does He feel close to you, or far? Share your heart with Him now. But don’t stop there. After you talk to Him, be quiet; pause. Listen for what He has to say to you in response.

Diwrnod 2Diwrnod 4

Am y Cynllun hwn

You Are God's Delight: Do You Believe It?

God longs to give us so much more than what we can see and feel and know with our limited human strength. Do you believe that he delights in you and wants to grant you good things? Read along through this 6 day plan and ...


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