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5 Powerful Prayers to Impact the Hearts of Our School CommunitiesSampl

5 Powerful Prayers to Impact the Hearts of Our School Communities

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Hearts of Comfort

“Grandpa just died! Grandpa just died!” Climbing out of my friend’s station wagon following an ice skating party, my brother’s words crushed my 12 year-old heart. Grandpa Huffie called me his Little Peach, and he was gone; gone! The impact of this significant loss left me speechless. I felt as if I was free falling, the air sucked out of my lungs. In the days and weeks to come, friends and family provided support and words of encouragement during our time of grief. Although I appreciated their gestures, my experience with the Lord was what reached deeply into the recesses of my heart. When I heard the news and had the sensation of falling, I suddenly felt as if a hand had caught me. In my spirit, I heard the words of Psalm 121; “I will lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Without even knowing when or how I had memorized this entire Psalm, I knew I could move forward with life since God’s whispers of comfort through this scripture brought peace to my broken heart. No child is too young to experience the power of God’s word and the comfort of His Spirit.

Today, as we conclude our five powerful prayers to impact the hearts of our school communities, we trust God to bring comfort to students and staff around the world.

Praise Our God of All Comfort!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort…” II Corinthians 1:3

God, we praise You, the God of all comfort. You know the beginning from the end and You are in control. Thank You for comforting us in times of great challenge.

Pray for Hearts That Turn to God for Comfort

“Let your steadfast love comfort me according to Your promise to Your servant.” Psalm 119:76

Jesus, we pray that each person in our school community would turn to You during times of trouble and suffering. Whether the challenges relate to emotions, health, academics, or relationships, we claim Your steadfast love to comfort every heart.

Pray for Hearts That Comfort Others

“…so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” II Corinthians 1:3b.

May students take notice of family members and peers who are struggling and show comfort and compassion to them. May this comfort strengthen relationships and lead people to Jesus. In Your Name, Amen.

We adapted this plan from our Weekly Prayer Focuses. Connect with Keep Watch at .Keep Watch.

Diwrnod 4

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5 Powerful Prayers to Impact the Hearts of Our School Communities

Do you have a burden for students, teachers, or a specific school or whole district? In this devotional, you will discover how to pray faith-filled, scripture-based prayers which will impact the hearts of students, teachers, and administrators. When we allow God’s powerful word to shape our prayers, His purposes and plans are accomplished. Let’s be strategic and focused as we “devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” (Colossians 4:2)
