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Journey Through JohnSampl

Journey Through John

DYDD 23 O 24


John 20:21-22a Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”


In the same way that God the Father had sent Jesus on a mission to earth to show people what God is like and help people connect with God, Jesus commissioned His followers to go into the world. He doesn’t want us to do this at a distance, but to really be with people as He was. There is no way we can effectively do this task without the help of the Holy Spirit. 


My ultimate purpose in life is to help people connect with God through Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus did not stay in the comfortable place of fellowship with His Father in heaven, but entered into a sinful world and really got to know sinful people, I shouldn’t just hang out with those who are already believers, but should venture out and build genuine friendships with those who aren’t religious. This used to be easier for me to do before I worked for a church, but now it’s really a challenge for me. I need to find ways to be in touch with people who still need Jesus. I’ve found in the past that if I ask God to give me opportunities to tell others about Jesus and watch for those opportunities, they will come up.


Jesus, please open up opportunities today for me to build relationships with people who don’t know You. Give me genuine love for people around me and help us to develop real friendships. Use me to help people connect with You. Fill me with the power of Your Holy Spirit to be effective in this. I can’t do it on my own, but I do long to be part of this process, because I know how much You love each person on earth and how You desire to be in relationship with everyone. I love You Lord. Amen.

Truths to notice:

20:1-9 Jesus’ corpse disappeared from the grave where it had been laid, but the cloths that had been wrapped around His body were still there. He had risen from the dead in fulfillment of prophecy. 

20:16-17 After His death, Jesus first appeared alive to Mary Magdalene near the tomb. He had two angels with Him and was going to return to His Father God. 

20:19-20 Jesus later showed Himself to His disciples. The scars from His crucifixion were still recognizable on His body. 

20:26 Jesus’ resurrected body was different than before. For example, He could now go through locked doors. 

20:27 Jesus graciously offered Thomas the evidence he needed to believe in Him, but He commended those who could believe without such visible evidence. 

20:30-31 John did not intend to give an exhaustive account of all the miracles Jesus did. John’s purpose in writing was that readers would believe Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God. This belief gives a person life. 


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Journey Through John

This plan is designed for new Bible readers to teach and model a simple process for ordinary people to hear God's voice within God's Word and grow in their understanding of Him. The Gospel of John is a great place to start discovering who Jesus is and the SOAP acronym guides us as we invite God to speak to us about our own lives.
