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Journey Through JohnSampl

Journey Through John

DYDD 13 O 24


John 10:16 “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”


Jesus desires that people of all different nationalities and cultures be united as one flock under His shepherding. However different we may all be from one another, Jesus longs for us all to love each other and be unified for His sake. He is the unifying factor. Because we all know Him, we can be one flock. 


How it must break the heart of Jesus to see Christians criticize each other and treat each other like enemies, rather than being a united flock under His care. He loves all of us, yet so often we can’t love each other. He sees both the positive and the negative in each group, and yet He accepts us all as His own. I want to do better at seeing all Christ-followers as my family in Christ, whatever their denomination or theological tendencies. We’re all on the same team, if we love Christ. I want to please my Shepherd by loving all those whom He loves. 


Jesus, forgive me for when I have been critical of other Christian groups or individuals. I know that this grieves You. You made it clear that You want us all to love each other and be unified in You. Help me live into that. Thank You for Your love and acceptance of me. Give me the grace to love and accept all others in the same way. Amen. 

Truths to notice:

10:9-10 Jesus is the gate for the sheep – the only way to be saved. A way of freedom, life and fullness.

10:10 The thief, Satan, desires our destruction and death.

10:11 Jesus is the Good Shepherd who would lay down His life for the sheep because He really loves them. 

10:16 Jesus desires to also bring non-Jewish people into salvation – that all believers of all nations then be unified as one big flock.

10:18 Jesus’ death was no accident. He laid down His life willingly in obedience to His Father.

10:28-30 Once we have become a Christ-follower, we don’t need to fear getting snatched out of Jesus’ hand. He will keep us safe. 

10:30 Jesus and the Father are one – two persons, but equal in nature and in complete harmony with one another. 


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Journey Through John

This plan is designed for new Bible readers to teach and model a simple process for ordinary people to hear God's voice within God's Word and grow in their understanding of Him. The Gospel of John is a great place to start discovering who Jesus is and the SOAP acronym guides us as we invite God to speak to us about our own lives.
