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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Walk Through The Bible 365 - MarchSampl

Walk Through The Bible 365 - March

DYDD 13 O 31

I Promise

Contracts today are barely worth the paper they're printed on. If someone wants to get out of something, a high-priced lawyer can nearly always find a loophole. Not so with God. Under the Mosaic law, commitments were so powerful that they held up even when the other side cheated (Josh. 9), if it cost a life (Judges 11), or someone had to give up their son (I Sam. 1)! How much are our promises worth?

Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive me for the times I've made rash and thoughtless promises. I realize the world has influenced me far too deeply in this regard. With your help, I want people to be able to count on what I say: my 'Yes' means 'Yes', and my 'No', 'No.' Help me to keep my word and my commitments faithfully - at church, at work, at home, or wherever I am. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Diwrnod 12Diwrnod 14

Am y Cynllun hwn

Walk Through The Bible 365 - March

How do we feed ourselves with the Word of God? By reading through the Bible. But how do we grasp all the Bible has to offer in an easy and enjoyable way? This reading plan spans one year with daily bite-sized chunks o...


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