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Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 4)Sampl

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 4)

DYDD 4 O 5

Orderly Relationships

Ready to discover some truth today? 


Holy Spirit, I love You. I am ready to learn and grow. Please reveal Your ways to me today. 

Today’s Goal: 

Develop an eternal perspective and cultivate godly humility. 

Study Tip: 

When reading Scripture, consider what you’re learning about God and His character. In fact, for further study, make a list of all you learn about Him in today’s text.

Read and Write: 

Before we dive into today’s study, be sure to read over yesterday’s portion of 1 Peter 4. This will help us see the connection to Peter’s transition in chapter five. Also, quickly read through all of 1 Peter 5 before you begin mining through 1 Peter 5:1-7 to gain a fuller understanding of the chapter. 

Now, read slowly through 1 Peter 5:1-7 and prepare to write down your observations.

  • What eternal perspective does Peter have in verses 1-4? 
  • List all the instructions given to the elders (overseers in the Church).
  • Describe three qualities you believe a good shepherd should have.
  • List some reasons why proper relationships and care in the Church is vital. 
  • In Peter’s day, the Greek culture viewed humility as shameful. Only a slave or someone with poor self-esteem due to a low social position would be humble. Define the word “humble” or “humility.” 
  • Write a summary that encompasses the main messages of 1 Peter 5:1-7.


  • Who is under your care? What can you begin to do to serve them more faithfully? 
  • Who do you need to show more humility toward? 
  • What situation has you anxious that you need to throw off and into God’s care? 


  • Based on today’s lesson, what’s one thing you’ll do?
Diwrnod 3Diwrnod 5

Am y Cynllun hwn

Rise Up & Stand Firm—A Study of 1 Peter (Part 4)

No matter what trials come our way, we can rise up and stand firm in our faith. In fact, part four of this 4-part Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel is designed to help you grow in your knowledge of God, expand your lo...


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