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1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In LeadershipSampl

1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In Leadership

DYDD 9 O 14

Trading Treasures for Ashes

In the Asian tsunami of 2004, nearly 300,000 people died and in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku, Japan more than 20,000 people died. Thousands were displaced, having lost their homes and possessions. These tragic events are a grim but timely reminder to not put our hope in wealth or the things of this world. Our real hope should be in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

There are things that last for eternity and things that do not. We, like Timothy, are urged to hold on to the things that last; righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. There are also things like uncertain wealth and earthly treasures that are not meant to be held tightly but to be released to bless others. In doing so, we shall lay up treasure for the coming age and truly live the life that is life indeed.

Unfortunately, many of us get it wrong by valuing things the other way round. We eagerly pursue the tangible and temporal and sacrifice the unseen and spiritual because we want immediate gratification. We thus shortchange ourselves of that which God wants to bless us most richly with. We end up not being able to enjoy His rich gifts as well as miss out on what He has in store for us beyond this brief life on earth.

There are certain things to hold on to and other things to give away so that we can be blessed and be a blessing to others. Make your own lists of what to hold on to and what to give away.
Diwrnod 8Diwrnod 10

Am y Cynllun hwn

1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In Leadership

These readings from Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia are written from the thoughts and insights of Asian writers. Paul lays down the priorities and principles of leadership in the church, and for dealing with practical matters in church life. He emphasises the personal life and example of the leader, not methods or techniques, with himself as the role-model.


Cynlluniau Tebyg