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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

4 Days To Deeper Intimacy In MarriageSampl

4 Days To Deeper Intimacy In Marriage

DYDD 1 O 4

You Were Created To Be One

Husbands and wives: you were created to be one. That’s the way God set it up and that’s the way it should be. So why does it sometimes feel like you’re far, far away from that ideal? Intimacy can suffer when we get away from our God-ordained status of drawing together. Often when we hear the words “intimacy” and “marriage” together, we think the conversation is going to be about sex. And yes, sex is important for building intimacy! But it’s not the only aspect of true marital intimacy. Over these next four days, embrace one another and embrace the scriptures you read as you learn more about deepening your intimacy on your way to a healthier, stronger marriage.

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