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Refined Under PressureSampl

Refined Under Pressure

DYDD 1 O 15

Day 01: Not Evolution


Lord God, quiet my soul and open my mind and heart to receive Your Word. Amen.


Genesis 1:1-31


In six days God created the earth and everything in it. At the completion of each day, God saw that it was good. What is it about the sixth day that would make God remark that "it was very good"? Why is it significant that we are created in God's own image? What does God's blessing on humanity mean to us today?


Lord God, help me to better see your fingerprints on all created things and to praise you for being my Creator. Amen.

Diwrnod 2

Am y Cynllun hwn

Refined Under Pressure

Doing hard things gives you extraordinary capabilities. As your character is refined under pressure, it helps shape a clearer picture of your unique place in the world and influences how you serve, lead, and relate to th...


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