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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Planting A Healthy ChurchSampl

Planting A Healthy Church

DYDD 7 O 7

Accomplish the Mission

The wedding industry makes over $55 billion a year, according to the IBISWorld Report. You might think that this shows our passion and commitment to marriage, but research has shown that an increase of cost for weddings has negatively impacted the longevity of marriages. The wedding has become the focus instead of the marriage. The wedding can be so overwhelming that many lose the focus on the relationship and the long-term commitment of marriage.

This is such a great reminder for church planters. The launch is just the beginning of the church. In the midst of all the hard work of launching the church, don’t miss the point of it all: to set up a successful, life-giving church. Launch day is just that—one day. Launching isn’t the goal, it’s just the beginning of reaching the goal.

Sound systems, great kids’ spaces, excellent music, well-planned transitions, sold-out volunteers, welcoming environments, and strong content are all things you have worked on and put in place to lead people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. But, those things are not the focus. They merely assist you in accomplishing the mission of reaching people for Jesus.

As you work toward your launch, remember it’s only the start of a wonderful mission. Cast vision to your team, step out in passion, and fulfill the call God has given you and your church. As God’s church, we can do more together than we ever can apart, so lean into others around you for support. It is time to accomplish the mission. Go and make disciples!

We’d love to share the principles that leaders all over the world have used to successfully plant new churches and fulfill the Great Commission. To learn more, visit www.network.church or download our free church plan playbook.

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Am y Cynllun hwn

Planting A Healthy Church

When God calls you to ministry, it can be overwhelming, but it can also be the best thing that ever happens to you. If your heart’s been stirred to plant a church, start here in God’s Word. Dig in to this seven-day readi...


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