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Jesus at the Door: Evangelism Made EasySampl

Jesus at the Door: Evangelism Made Easy

DYDD 1 O 5

Apple Tree Evangelism

I had just begun to step out as a full-time evangelist on staff for a local church, and to say I felt out of my depth is an understatement. As I stood in the center of the town, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, Scott, I want you to imagine that all these people are like apples on a tree. When you share, then I’ll shake! 

I knew instantly what He meant. When you shake an apple tree, only the fruit that is truly ripe will fall. Those that are not yet ready will stay on the tree. 

It is no exaggeration to say everything literally changed in that moment. You see, for the first time in my life I understood what evangelism really is. It is an invitation to partnership, which is why it is not called the Great Mission but the Great Co-Mission.

It is not about how able I am; it is about how available I am willing to make myself, about my willingness to surrender to His leading in order to engage in the level of partnership required to be fruitful.

To be effective in the area of evangelism, it is first imperative that you understand the concept of partnership and exactly what your role is and is not within this partnership. Once I received this revelation, it shifted literally everything for me. It took my eyes off me and caused me to fix them on Him. As Salvation Army General William Booth put it, “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”

After my apple tree revelation, I realized how true Jesus’ words are that only those God draws to Himself can come to Him, so we simply look for those He is already drawing. The Holy Spirit, like the breath of heaven, is breathing a mighty wind, shaking the trees. As He does so, some apples will fall, some will move a little, and some will not move at all. All we have to do is catch the ones that fall, thus removing all pressure from you to perform.

I was not alone in trying to save people. If I would faithfully share, then He would faithfully shake.

We are all priceless apples just waiting to be caught. And because we partner with God, everybody can catch. Yes, even you.

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Jesus at the Door: Evangelism Made Easy

Evangelism is hard when we try to maintain control, but it becomes easy when we release control to God. This devotional will guide you into seeing the power of the Gospel and how to partner with God to see greater results without feeling the pressure to perform.
