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Eicon Chwilio

Gwybodaeth Cynllun

LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible LightSampl

LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible Light

DYDD 3 O 5

Consider these questions as you read: 

What did Jesus offer, teach, or promise to give? 

What is Jesus offering, teaching, or promising you in this passage? 

How can it be yours? 

Challenge: Share what you learn today with a family member or friend. 


Diwrnod 2Diwrnod 4

Am y Cynllun hwn

LIGHT - Drawn to Life by the Irresistible Light

Jesus declared, “I am the Light of the world…light that leads to life” John 8:12. As you daily read, meditate, and apply God’s Word, you will be better equipped to detect the enemy’s artificial lights, remain on God’s pa...


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