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Kingdom Prayers Sampl

Kingdom Prayers

DYDD 3 O 30

Father, thank You for the righteousness I have in Christ. This day and every day I ask that You would advance Your work in me of conforming me to Christ’s image. Guide me and enable me to live as He lived, see as He saw, feel as He felt, and serve as He served in His earthly years. Help me remember I have died to sin so I might be blind to its distractions and deaf to its voice. Let me live always and only unto You.

Strengthen me in my inner man to live a life of faith, hope, and love—a life of holiness. In love and gratitude to You, let me die daily to my selfish desires for laziness and pride. Raise my eyes to gaze upon the eternal realities of Your Kingdom and do away with lesser things that would distract or deter me in my pursuit of Your will and Your ways. May Your perfect love cast out all fear within me.

I am exceedingly grateful for Your many blessings in my life—family, friends, wealth, and honor. Set a guard on my heart so that I may never idolize these blessings or permit them to usurp Your rightful place in my affections or attention or allegiance. Let me live for You alone. Let me love You with all my heart, mind soul, and strength and love others as myself. Make me always devoted to You with childlike trust.

May I be a living expression of Your will in all my ways. Let me be a blessing to everyone with whom I come in contact, whether as an encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ or as a testimony of Your greatness and glory to those who don’t know You. Fill me moment by moment with Your Spirit and with grace so I might be a fountain of sweet water from which no bitter water ever spills out, no matter how suddenly I may be jarred.  


Lord, as I sail through this life, continue to serve as my Captain, directing me across the trackless depths to my final port. Though I cannot see beyond the horizon, I trust Your navigation. Though rough and stormy seas beset me, I know You have ordained them to increase my dependence on You, and You control each wave and every wind. Grant me the grace to endure to the end, and may You be glorified in the journey, whether through calm waters or turbulence. Your love is the wind, faith is my sail, and hope is my anchor. All I need is in you.

Diwrnod 2Diwrnod 4

Am y Cynllun hwn

Kingdom Prayers

We all know how important and powerful prayer is. The disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to preach, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Prayer changes things and Jesus was always praying. Let's be like Jesus and learn how to pray Kingdom Prayers.
