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Kingdom Prayers Sampl

Kingdom Prayers

DYDD 13 O 30

Father, make me like my elder brother, Jesus. Shine Your light within me and through me. Show me the way You have prepared for me, the path You intend for me to walk. Guard my heart from the enticements of the enemy and the world. I know my heart’s weakness and deceit if it is not stayed on You.

Let my lips and my life draw others to greater heights of living in faith and love. May the lazy be spurred on to greater diligence by my example. Let those who are distracted by the pleasures or power of this world be refocused on eternal things by observing my resolute attentiveness. Let those who are timid be emboldened by my encouragement.

Make me a mirror of Your grace to show forth the joy of service. Let my joy in You brighten the hearts of the discouraged. Demonstrate through me how one can perform earthly responsibilities with an eternal perspective. Give me Your heart of compassion for those who are ignorant of You or in misery, that they might experience true love.

Teach me to walk as Jesus walked, to see as He saw, to hear as He heard, to think as He thought, and to perceive Your work in the world around me in both small and large ways. Clothe me each day with His humility so that I may count others as more important than myself and live a life of service to “the least of these” as a sacrifice of love to You.


Lord, You are sovereign over all creation. You superintend all things for Your glory. You work everything in such a way as to test our hearts, help us grow into the likeness of Christ, and teach us to walk by faith. Help us be quick to learn the lessons You teach and grow in our understanding and love of You.

You arrange events both large and small to draw people to Yourself, creating dissatisfaction through pain, grief, suffering, and emptiness or demonstrating Your love, kindness, and greatness. Grant those who do not yet know You the faith to respond positively to Your offer of redemption, and send Your children to make the way clear.

Help me be grateful for all Your works, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. Guide me to respond well to all situations, whether or not I understand Your reasons for them. Show me Your desires so that I may ask, seek, and knock with bold perseverance to change what You desire to change, and also so that I may patiently and joyfully endure what You desire to maintain. Help me learn quickly the lessons You teach.

May the nations submit to You, either willingly and humbly or by the exercise of Your activity. May the spiritual forces of darkness be bent to Your purposes, even if unwittingly. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May Your authority be recognized by all very soon. Come quickly, Lord!

Diwrnod 12Diwrnod 14

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Kingdom Prayers

We all know how important and powerful prayer is. The disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to preach, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Prayer changes things and Jesus was always praying. Let's be like Jesus and learn how to pray Kingdom Prayers.
