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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

The Magnificence Of Christ In The PsalmsSampl

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

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The King Of Glory

Dear Father, I join all heaven in honoring the most glorious King at His triumphant entrance through the ancient gates into the eternal city. What a wonderful progression I see in Your holy Word: Psalm 22 is “The Psalm of the Cross” and Psalm 23 is “The Psalm of the Shepherd”; then, in Psalm 24, “The Song of the Ascension,” the crucified Savior, our Shepherd, is the ascended Head and Crown of the universe, and the matchless King of Glory! I rejoice that such glory means that this mediator King is the weightiest of all kings, the most worthy of glory, the King of ALL glory!

I marvel that the King of Glory is proclaimed five times in just the closing stanza of Psalm 24. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Glory, the King of Glory, the King of Glory, the King of Glory, the King of Glory! I pray He will very soon fulfill His kingship in His Church, and over His Church, and over all things on behalf of His Church. I ask these things in His majestic name and for His glory.
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Am y Cynllun hwn

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms

Each daily devotional has a different name or attribute of God from the Psalms that is ultimately fulfilled in Christ. You will read the Psalm with Christ's name in it, then worship Him and pray for His Lordship of your...


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