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Amos: Seek The Lord and LiveSampl

Amos: Seek The Lord and Live

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This is the fifth and final vision of the book and the stress is on no escape. God declares explicitly, ‘Not one will get away, none will escape’ (v. 1). You can try digging down to the depths of the earth or you can try climbing up to the highest heavens (v. 2). You could try hiding on Carmel, the highest mountain of the region, or you could try hiding at the bottom of the sea (v. 3). The outcome remains: no escape.

Once again we’re given an overwhelming image of the Lord of creation in verses 5–6. He only has to touch the earth for it to melt. The Israelites cannot evade Him. Indeed, in verse 7 God now views them as no different to the Cushites or Ethiopians. God is saying that their behaviour is so miserable that they have become nothing more to Him than any other nation.

Yet still there remains hope for some. There will be a remnant of Israel (see day 14) who pass through God’s sieve (v. 9) and are safe. 

Those who sought the Lord and said, ‘We find our security in you, not in ourselves and Mount Samaria’ (in contrast to those in 6:1) are saved. Those who said, ‘Disaster will not overtake or meet us’ (v. 10) will face the sword of judgment. 

This is devastating and yet I can’t help read verses 2–4 without thinking of the difference it makes to believe in Christ. There should have been no possibility of any of us escaping from God’s judgment. Now, in Him, there is no possibility of losing His love: ‘For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (Rom. 8:38–39).


How does viewing the Lord as One who melts the earth with His touch and One who lets no sinner escape cause you to give greater thanks for the One who did not escape the wrath of God on the cross?


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Amos: Seek The Lord and Live

Amos was a prophet on a mission to shake Israel out of their moral complacency. He prophesied during a time of great stability and prosperity when Israel had abandoned God and neglected the vulnerable in society. His no-holds-barred message is a warning and a plea to God’s people, urging them to turn back to the Lord. Matt Fuller will help you to apply the teaching of Amos to your own life.
