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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Combat Sexual SinSampl

Combat Sexual Sin

DYDD 1 O 8

For years I carried the burdens of my sin-filled past. Then one day I yelled out "ENOUGH!" At that point, my heart was opened to Jesus. It was like He picked up my burden and threw it over a cliff. That day, I knew I was free. He deletes our past. It’s never returning. You and I are free in Christ! 


Jesus has a plan for you. All you have to do is open your heart and let Him in. He too will set you free!

Diwrnod 2

Am y Cynllun hwn

Combat Sexual Sin

Men, we are called to fight. Passivity with sin will eventually destroy us. Fill your tool belt to combat, resist, and overcome temptation and sin with experiences from the life of Trooper Joe. Start your game plan to vi...


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