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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

Daily Habits Of Marital Intimacy - 10 Day Reading PlanSampl

Daily Habits Of Marital Intimacy - 10 Day Reading Plan

DYDD 5 O 10

Day 5: Emotional Intimacy

When couples marry, there is a deep desire to feel a variety of emotions together. The list is endless, but here are a few: we desire to feel loved, protected, affirmed, enjoyed, inspired, encouraged, supported, respected, cared for, and secure. There are few couples that would not agree that over the years they have become less attentive to the emotional care of one another, letting the daily demands of life rule over their relationship. It is in this state that storms often find their way in and complicate marriage, creating even greater distance.

I urge you to make it a priority to be mindful daily of your partner’s emotional well-being. Emotional intimacy can be experienced in four values of shared fun, daily love-communicating behaviors, weekly interactive date nights to keep knowing one another, and expressing affirmations for how you serve one other.

Reflection: Remember, you have an enemy that wants you to neglect your own emotional care as well as the emotional health of your marriage. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative, with all the help and grace of God, to commit to the emotional intimacy of your relationship. Ask yourself, “What can I do for my partner today to ensure he or she feels loved and cared for by me?” This is your greatest joy: to help another feel not only loved by God, but by another human being. 

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Am y Cynllun hwn

Daily Habits Of Marital Intimacy - 10 Day Reading Plan

Many couples visualize what married life should look like—then reality shows up. If the many storms of life have taken a toll on your relationship—maybe you are keeping up appearances, but inwardly you feel dissatisfied,...


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