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Gwybodaeth Cynllun

The Journey Reading PlanSampl

The Journey Reading Plan

DYDD 14 O 14

Discovering God: Life With God How do Christians live? Like Jesus. Why do Christians live that way? Because they know and love their forgiver and leader. What if people say they know and love Jesus but don’t live like him? Then, according to this passage, their claims are empty. Are you a spiritual explorer? You need to know that using only your own power and will, you’ll never be able to live like Jesus. Don’t even try. But when you do become his follower, follow him. In other words, live like him. With God’s power at work in you, such a lifestyle is possible. When you accept God’s help, the changes you’ll notice will prove that something supernatural has happened in your life.


Diwrnod 13

Am y Cynllun hwn

The Journey Reading Plan

Perfect for anyone in the investigative stages of their spiritual journey, this 14-day reading plan includes content from the NIV The Journey Bible. It will help you discover the practical aspects of Christianity, to bet...


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